Thinking of Making a Will?

Tom Huggins
For many of us making a Will can seem a daunting task, thinking about death understandably makes us feel uncomfortable. Any life change could trigger writing a will – getting married, having a child, buying  a house, divorce or becoming ill are often the triggers. .Make it as simple and stress-free as possible by using a solicitor  who is qualified to advise you.. Ensure you  are offered a full range of legal services to cover all aspects of Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Trusts plus advice on mitigating Inheritance Tax.

Meet face to face with your solicitor and ensure they discuss options suitable to your personal circumstances. If you  would struggle to get to their office, a home or hospital visit can be arranged. An expert solicitor will  have a wide range of experience in the preparation of Wills, whatever the size of your estate and can provide advice in a  straightforward and easy to understand way.


Once  your individual needs have been assessed ask for  a fixed price for the service to ensure there are no hidden charges or nasty surprises, to give you piece of mind from the outset.


The Office of the Public Guardian currently charges a fee of £130.00 for the registration of each LPA (unless an exemption applies) and this is a third party expense payable by you in addition to a solicitors costs.


MENTA Patron, Atkins Thomson are solicitors based near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. Their experts are happy to make home or hospital visits at a ‘fixed at’ charge dependent upon time and location.

Call them on 01284 767766 or email Kelly Innocent at and she’ll be pleased to help you.


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