MENTA Patrons & Sponsors

MENTA work with leading business names across East Anglia, their support allows us to deliver more bespoke training and general business support services. Our patrons give direct financial support, allowing us to subsidise our services.
Our business sponsors give further support to our popular training and advice service. Our Patrons and Sponsors are featured at our events and allow delegates and clients direct access to their business insight with advice and support without charge.

Become A MENTA patron or Sponsor

Established in 1984, MENTA has so far provided business advice, training and growth support to more than 15,000 individuals and helped the wider economy across the differing business sectors in Norfolk and Suffolk. As Patron or as one of our service sponsors, you are spotlighted to thousands of growing business across East Anglia. You will be featured in direct mail to our database as well as at events and our training sessions.
MENTA also host regular invite only networking events that gives further access with clients from the wider business community. To discover how you and your business could work with us, please email Alex Till, MENTA CEO: alex@menta,

Your valuable support is recognised with a range of packages and options:

  • Promotion at one to one business advice sessions

  • Prominent promotion on MENTA’s website and social media platforms and press content

  • Promotion on various items of MENTA’s printed literature

  • Promotion for one month in every twelve across marketing channels.

  • Speaker slots at MENTA’s networking events

  • Invitations to attend partner networking events

  • The opportunity to deliver bespoke masterclasses on behalf of MENTA (where appropriate)

  • Sponsorship of business skills seminars organised and delivered by MENTA

  • Promotion and brand awareness to MENTA business tenants

  • Articles regarding your organisation sent via MENTA to the local press and business journals

  • Five free places for you and your staff at MENTA’s training sessions and masterclasses per annum

  • A free MENTA Business Show stand in a prominent position

  • A framed MENTA Patron certificate for display at your premises

  • Invitations to the MENTA Patrons’ networking event

Don't take our word for it

testimonials from our patrons
 We have worked with the team at MENTA for several years initially as sponsors of Coffee Means Business and more latterly as Patrons. Our association has been immensely rewarding
both in terms of the contacts we have developed within the local business community, new business developed and general heightened brand awareness. The team are extremely professional and proactive, always keen to work with us to add mutual benefit to our relationship and are a highly valued business relationship for Ensors.

Don't miss MENTA mail - Let Us Help your Business

networking, training and business events in your inbox
0800 085 5090

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