MENTA Handy Downloads


Through 2020, we will be adding new business focused content. To discuss how your business could feature, please email

Stay Well Suffolk

Public Health Suffolk has developed quick and easy to access to links and advice that support people to stay well during COVID-19. This includes support around relationships and family, money and employment looking after your mental health, keeping active and eating well.

free download pdf

Time Capsule for Children

If you have children aged 5-12 years of age, this handy download may well prove a positive distraction for some.

Designed around the current Covid-19 situation, it encourages children to keep a record of living history.

free download pdf

The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme

British Business Bank

The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) Factsheet.

The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme, delivered through British Business Bank accredited lenders and partners, is designed to support the continued provision of finance to UK mid-sized and larger UK businesses during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Please click on the below link.

If you require business advice from MENTA, please email

free download pdf

1 Stop Business Advice & Links for Business During Covid-19

Designed for businesses, employees, the self-employed and freelancers, this has all the official links to the latest government advice, the financial support, the grants and disruption loans. We have included links to how best to find your council + universal credit as well as how you can look after your mental health and well being.

MENTA have live video training for new and established businesses as well as a team of experienced business owners that are qualified business advisers.

The page includes a series of blogs written around how we can adapt our lives and business working to the COVID-19 situation.

We have included short films as to how best deal with stress and feelings of depression.

Click Here to Open

free download pdf

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin April 1st

April 1st Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin

Need some business advice, please email us

free download pdf

Summary of government guidance for business

Summary of government guidance for business.

How to access government financial support if you or your business has been affected by COVID-19

Information complied by Stephen Davies of MENTA Business Support

Need some business advice, please email us

free download pdf

MENTA Cashflow Information and Tips

MENTA has brought together a simple guide to help you through the current COVID-19 situation with links to current Government support and tips for your business cash-flow.

free download pdf

MENTA - Your guide to going Self Employed

Do you dream of being your own boss? Do you have brilliant business idea? Are you ready to make your vision a reality?

MENTA have put together a handy guide PDF that may give you inspiration and encouragement and includes links for further information.

Our ​MENTA Start-Up training and support, is fully-funded, including three-step courses for new Start-up businesses as well as those trading for less than 12 months.

free download pdf

MENTA Post Budget Overview 2020/21

MENTA are pleased to provide a simple PDF showing an overview from the Budget (12/3/20)

Covering Income Tax, National Insurance, State Pensions, Registered Pensions, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, VAT, Property Taxes, Corporation or Business Tax, Social Security & other Rates

Our Partners at Accountability Plus have kindly compiled this information and are the ideal company for advice on all your tax related matters.

Accountability Plus

free download pdf

MENTA Tax Calendar 2020/21

A simple guide to key dates in your business financial year.

free download pdf

Social Media Planner Download

The Social Media Planner is a simple and handy downloadable product that includes content ideas and guidance on how to use it to grow your business and engage with your audience. This social media content planner is a tool to enable you to generate ideas using a variety of prompts throughout the month.

Over time, some will become your go-to staples of your content creation, others will become null and void. This is the start of you developing and testing a social media strategy, and finding what works best for your business.

If you are short on time, you can use your content ideas planner on the go, crossing ideas off your sheets throughout the month. Alternatively, and ideally, use it to plan ahead and get your content covered for weeks or months at a time.Once you have used them all, simply re-print the blank planner sheets and begin again.

Download emailed within 48 hrs.
free download pdf

The Essential Start-up Guide

The Essential Start-up Guide includes information about the things you need to do at the very beginning of your new business, such as choosing a name and working out the best legal form of business for you and your circumstances. It is the perfect companion to The Essential Business Guide and covers areas such as choosing a business name, registering your business, working out how much you need to earn, and so on.

Topics include:

  • legal forms of business – and their pros and cons
  • choosing a business name
  • registering a business
  • start-up funding
  • working out a personal survival income
  • business planning
  • customers and pricing.

24 page printed booklet

Delivery in 10 working days
free download pdf

Thinking of starting a business

Thinking of Starting a Business helps you consider what makes a successful business start up. It shows the importance of having a clear vision and values and explains what skills you need. It also prompts you to think about what sort of business matches your personal circumstances and lifestyle.

Topics covered include:

  • What makes a business successful.
  • The importance of having a clear business vision and strong values.
  • What skills a business owner needs.
  • What type of business fits with their business idea and personal circumstances.

The workbook takes a simple, step-by-step approach and includes 12 integrated worksheets that build towards an action plan.


  • Plain English caters for all reader levels.
  • The 12 worksheets build towards an action plan.
  • Numbered steps make sections easy to follow.
  • Full-colour printing and illustrations add a ‘light touch’ feel.
  • Boxouts contain tips and useful resources.

52 pages, full-colour, illustrations, 12 worksheets and action plan.

Delivery in 10 working days
free download pdf

MENTA Handy Downloads


For business partners to have products included on this page, please email

Summary of government guidance for business

Summary of government guidance for business.

How to access government financial support if you or your business has been affected by COVID-19

Information complied by Stephen Davies of MENTA Business Support

Need some business advice, please email us

MENTA Tax Calendar 2020/21

A simple guide to key dates in your business financial year.

MENTA Cashflow Information and Tips

MENTA has brought together a simple guide to help you through the current COVID-19 situation with links to current Government support and tips for your business cash-flow.

MENTA - Your guide to going Self Employed

Do you dream of being your own boss? Do you have brilliant business idea? Are you ready to make your vision a reality?

MENTA have put together a handy guide PDF that may give you inspiration and encouragement and includes links for further information.

Our ​MENTA Start-Up training and support, is fully-funded, including three-step courses for new Start-up businesses as well as those trading for less than 12 months.

MENTA Post Budget Overview 2020/21

MENTA are pleased to provide a simple PDF showing an overview from the Budget (12/3/20)

Covering Income Tax, National Insurance, State Pensions, Registered Pensions, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, VAT, Property Taxes, Corporation or Business Tax, Social Security & other Rates

Our Partners at Accountability Plus have kindly compiled this information and are the ideal company for advice on all your tax related matters.

Accountability Plus

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin April 1st

April 1st Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Businesses and Employers Bulletin

Need some business advice, please email us

The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme

British Business Bank

The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) Factsheet.

The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme, delivered through British Business Bank accredited lenders and partners, is designed to support the continued provision of finance to UK mid-sized and larger UK businesses during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Please click on the below link.

If you require business advice from MENTA, please email

Time Capsule for Children

If you have children aged 5-12 years of age, this handy download may well prove a positive distraction for some.

Designed around the current Covid-19 situation, it encourages children to keep a record of living history.

Thinking of starting a business - Menta text book to buyLook Inside
Delivery in 10 working days

Thinking of starting a business

Thinking of Starting a Business helps you consider what makes a successful business start up. It shows the importance of having a clear vision and values and explains what skills you need. It also prompts you to think about what sort of business matches your personal circumstances and lifestyle.

Topics covered include:

  • What makes a business successful.
  • The importance of having a clear business vision and strong values.
  • What skills a business owner needs.
  • What type of business fits with their business idea and personal circumstances.

The workbook takes a simple, step-by-step approach and includes 12 integrated worksheets that build towards an action plan.


  • Plain English caters for all reader levels.
  • The 12 worksheets build towards an action plan.
  • Numbered steps make sections easy to follow.
  • Full-colour printing and illustrations add a ‘light touch’ feel.
  • Boxouts contain tips and useful resources.

52 pages, full-colour, illustrations, 12 worksheets and action plan.

The Social Media Planner DownloadLook Inside
Download emailed within 48 hrs.

Social Media Planner Download

The Social Media Planner is a simple and handy downloadable product that includes content ideas and guidance on how to use it to grow your business and engage with your audience. This social media content planner is a tool to enable you to generate ideas using a variety of prompts throughout the month.

Over time, some will become your go-to staples of your content creation, others will become null and void. This is the start of you developing and testing a social media strategy, and finding what works best for your business.

If you are short on time, you can use your content ideas planner on the go, crossing ideas off your sheets throughout the month. Alternatively, and ideally, use it to plan ahead and get your content covered for weeks or months at a time.Once you have used them all, simply re-print the blank planner sheets and begin again.

1 Stop Business Advice & Links for Business During Covid-19

Designed for businesses, employees, the self-employed and freelancers, this has all the official links to the latest government advice, the financial support, the grants and disruption loans. We have included links to how best to find your council + universal credit as well as how you can look after your mental health and well being.

MENTA have live video training for new and established businesses as well as a team of experienced business owners that are qualified business advisers.

The page includes a series of blogs written around how we can adapt our lives and business working to the COVID-19 situation.

We have included short films as to how best deal with stress and feelings of depression.

Click Here to Open

Stay Well Suffolk

Public Health Suffolk has developed quick and easy to access to links and advice that support people to stay well during COVID-19. This includes support around relationships and family, money and employment looking after your mental health, keeping active and eating well.

The Essential Start-up Guide - Cobweb publicationLook Inside
Delivery in 10 working days

The Essential Start-up Guide

The Essential Start-up Guide includes information about the things you need to do at the very beginning of your new business, such as choosing a name and working out the best legal form of business for you and your circumstances. It is the perfect companion to The Essential Business Guide and covers areas such as choosing a business name, registering your business, working out how much you need to earn, and so on.

Topics include:

  • legal forms of business – and their pros and cons
  • choosing a business name
  • registering a business
  • start-up funding
  • working out a personal survival income
  • business planning
  • customers and pricing.

24 page printed booklet

Don't miss MENTA mail - Let Us Help your Business

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