How to Gain the Most from Attending a Business Exhibition

Leanne Castle

You’ve booked your free ticket to a Business Show, marked the date in your work diary but have you thought through what you want to achieve whilst you’re there? How will you gain the most from your visit?

Here are some pointers: -

·       Take a few moments to check the organiserswebsite to find out who will be exhibiting – make a note of any company youparticularly want to speak with

·       What is on your wish list of services andproducts to help you streamline or improve your business? There may be anexhibitor who can help

·       If you are arriving at the venue by car, putplenty of time on your parking ticket to avoid rushing a conversation or anexcess parking fine later

·       Wear a name badge if you have one – it’s a greatway of letting others know who you are representing

·       Smile – you may well bump into past or presentclients, old or potential business contacts

·       Look professional, approachable and successful –those Business Show exhibitors may be feeling daunted

·       Carry plenty of business cards – not only willyou want to hand them out to people you meet but there may be competitions toenter and you might win!

·       You’ve  chosen to attend the Business Show – approachand chat with as many exhibitors as possible – they may need your company asmuch as you may need theirs

·       Don’t assume you know what an exhibitor does –ask them open questions and find out

·       Take advantage of show offers and discounts

·       Use your phone to record things of interest – douse social media to broadcast where you are

·       Make the most of any seminars or talks beingheld – there will always be something of interest which will be useful to yourbusiness

·       If you meet someone whom you’d like to have alonger conversation, invite them for a tea or coffee at the Business Show café– good business can be done over a cuppa

·       Pick up a goody bag - it is sure to containsomething to eat, reading material for later and is somewhere to place theprinted brochures you’re sure to collect

·       Most of all – see it as an opportunity of raiseawareness of your brand – people recommend and buy from people they like andtrust


Visit the MENTA Business Show with your FREE visitor tickets on Tuesday 2nd October 2018

FREE Tickets


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