May 2020

MENTA Winning in Customer Satisfaction

Just 10% of brands in the UK excel at customer experience

In an article in Marketing Week, it was reported in October 2019 that just  10% of brands in the UK have a net promoter score (NPS) of 40 or more, with logistics, energy and water emerging as the worse sectors for delivering on customer satisfaction.

MENTA Business Support has been delivering business support, advice and training across Norfolk and Suffolk since 1984 and can reveal that a recent audit of it services found that MENTA has an NPS score of 73%

Its nearest comparative service provider received a score of 63% customer satisfaction.

MENTA CEO, Alex Till, says “the team has demonstrated its ability to adapt during COVID-19 and deliver business services that not only customers want but report as being highly satisfied with– I’m immensely proud of what the team have achieved with these independently sourced customer satisfaction scores”

John Neild is enterprise and contracts manager with MENTA and said

“This report shows how the team of MENTA trainers and business advisers are consistently providing a great service to our customers and demonstrates not just their professionalism and knowledge but their end-to-end customer experience”

*The customer satisfaction score figures were independently collated amongst business service providers and sent to recipients of services provided by MENTA and similar providers..


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